I absolutely love that you guys are doing these shorter practice videos from the main lessons. It allows us to focus on certain aspects of each video more with repetition. Between your videos and the Daily Dose of Greek YouTube channel, coupled with daily reading, my Koine Greek is really taking off. Thanks so much for your channel! ~ Jeff
Your work makes it SO easy for me to finally learn Hebrew and Greek—it literally feels like cheating sometimes! I started the Hebrew course in late October and reached lesson 67 by January, watching all the review lessons as well. It’s so addictive, I have to stop myself from continuing to watch! Naturally, I also started Greek and am already at lesson 26 after just a couple of weeks.
The method is absolutely mind-blowing. I retain about 90% of what I watch, even after just one viewing, and it feels like learning while I sleep—plus, it’s fun! These videos are valuable not just for those who struggle with language learning but also for those with a gift for it. God is providing His people with amazing resources through your obedience to His calling, and I’ve already been so blessed by my knowledge of biblical languages. Thank you, Angela, Beth, and Andrew, for these projects. Keep up the good work! ~ Elaine
I had started to learn Greek but had to stop, because of other commitments, and have returned, these lessons are a huge blessing to get me caught up. During class last week my instructor asked what the lexical meaning of a series of words were. I heard Angela’s voice in my head and was able to answer most of the questions correctly. What a wonderful help for this senior citizen. ~ L. D. B.
What a wonderful resource! ~ Andrew
Excellent course! ~ Edward
Excellent! This is a highly recommended channel if you truly want to learn Biblical Greek. God bless you. ἔρρωσθε! ~ Filolingüista
Angela, God bless you! Knowing the original Biblical languages opens up Scripture! WOW! ~ Sally
My kids and I do your lessons every morning over breakfast. They’d love to see your cat sometime! ~ Anlu
It’s so fun to learn with stories, thank you Angela. Keep the great work up! ~ Bee
Estas clases son un gran aporte a la comunidad cristiana…(These classes are a great contribution to the Christian community…) ~ PROYECTO PARDES
I live in Korea. I’m a pastor’s wife. I learn Hebrew and Greek here every. Thank you s~~~o much. Without [this resource] here, I couldn’t learn Greek. Thank you again. .^^ God bless you.~ 이혜란
I am only on lesson five but I have enjoyed this way of learning Greek so much. I just gave a small gift to support this ministry because the one taught the Word should share with the one who teaches. Let me encourage any of you who are benefiting to support with what you can. We don’t want to take these high quality lessons and the people who create them for granted.~ Josh
This is so unbelievably cool! MY HEART almost stopped when I saw the first fully Greek passage I understood without problem. Truly you are doing the work of God! ~ Aelin
Wunderbar! Sie sind eine großartige Lehrerin Das heißt Pädagogik im ganzen Sinne des Wortes (Wonderful! You are a great teacher. This is pedagogy in the full sense of the word.) ~ Michael
Ancient Greek – that was my dream since schooltime (I’m not the youngest anymore) but there wasn’t a course for it and later I didn’t find the time. I will proceed. Til now I have listened/watched these lessions many times each of them, wonderful and the linguistic roots not only for the Bible but for scientific language. Makes a lot of fun to watch these videos. Definitely one of the best sites to learn Greek with fun (at least for me). I don’t need a dictionary nor grammar book, only this course. I am very happy with that! Clear recommendation for all linguistic enthusiasts! ~ Goitzsche
Amazing lesson by an amazing teacher! Learning languages is a real spiritual enrichment. Thank you very much! ~ Goitzsche
I love these lessons, and I’m always excited when the next one comes out. Thank you so much! ~ Jon
Learning from India..thank you ~ Pijush
Excellent, it’s so interesting how this method really forces you to master some of these basic concepts, and really activate your brain in such a different way than merely passively taking in information. ~ Sing Greek and Hebrew
Hi Angela! I put my Koine Greek students to watch your videos and they like it a lot. It has helped them to better understand the Greek language. Thank you very much for your effort and generosity in sharing your gifts and talents. May God bless you and reward your generosity. ~ Rodrigo
Thank you Angela! A really effective way of teaching! ~withouthands
Wonderful! One of the most amazing stuff I have ever seen in YouTube. God bless you Angela and your team. ~ Tarig
This video series is such an amazing help. Ancient Greek is an incredibly intimidating language to learn as a beginner, but this channel has helped me get over that hump!! Thank you so much and God bless. ~ Iosef
This is such a good, repetitive, gentle introduction to the words for ‘and’ and ‘or’! It’s so easy as teachers to take these words for granted when we first give them to students, so I admire your carefulness and gentleness in slowly building up fluency on these important words! ~ Found in Antiquity: Latin
Just so you know, I took Greek in Bible college, but am still finding these lessons to be very helpful. Thanks for taking on this project! ~ Andrew
Gratias vobis valde ago! (Thank you very much!) ~ Oscar
“Your video series is an answer to prayer beyond what I ever imagined. I share your videos with my three sons. They’re pretty young (7, 4, and 2). We are all learning together! And yes, they totally remember more from one lesson to the next than I do, more often than not. 🙂 Anyway, I genuinely have prayed, “Lord, I want to learn these languages and somehow have my boys learn them, too… Help me find a way.” I hope that through these films, God will equip translators to take His Word to unreached peoples. This is an awesome project. I am telling whoever I can about it! I have this crazy idea of a future where Sunday School time is spent training up kids in Biblical Languages. 🙂 It’s a lot of hard work but so worth it! Keep up the hard work! PS – my youngest, Elias, absolutely adores your episodes and asks specifically to watch “Angela” all the time. He’s 2 and a half!” ~ Megan
“As a student of NT Greek, I have found your videos wonderful beyond words! They have helped me immensely and they are beautiful, entertaining, and a joy to watch. I’m generally very good at learning from books, but your videos have made some abstract concepts that I struggled to learn fall into place easily for me!” ~ Jon
“Thanks for your labors! I’ve benefited from Aleph with Beth since 2020 and have been teaching a high school Hebrew class with it this year. I’m hopeful we will be able to do something similar in coming years with Greek, with Alpha with Angela, and I certainly am praying that the Lord will use it to plant seeds that will result in more interest and work in Bible translation and that it will help those who are starting into or continuing the work.” ~ Doug
“I would like to thank you for your wonderful approach to teaching languages! And it is because of people like you that there will be more and more humans in love with Biblical Greek!” ~ Dietrich
“This is awesome! I’ve never wanted to learn Greek before… A big thank-you for all your efforts to share Greek with everyone! My whole family has enjoyed watching your videos.” ~ Ruth
“Add my voice to the chorus of thanks and praise for this wonderful work. I have long felt a desire to learn Koine that I might read NT in the original but could afford neither university nor seminary classes, and trying to teach myself from a textbook, even when augmented by online lectures, just wasn’t working. I found this series of lessons 3 days ago and have now watched the first three, several times each. Takes repetition for it to sink in but I’ve already learned more (and think I will retain more) than from all my earlier efforts. Love your light hearted cheerful approach, and the toy models and video clips make me smile. This immersive method you and your team have put together is just the ticket, teaching in the same way we as children learned our native tongue. Not only that, you make it fun. Thank you, thank you.” ~ Negrami
“Alpha with Angela along with Aleph and Beth are the Rosetta Stone of Biblical Language Learning on Youtube. You all are amazing, and I am so grateful for the work that you are doing!! I will spread the word about your videos.” ~ bjencks
“Great videos, great method, great pronunciation! I can’t wait for more. I’ll recommend them to my students.” ~ Rogelio
“THANK YOU SO MUCH and GOD BLESS YOU, Angela, for making this a reality! I’m studying both Hebrew and Greek (the biblical one’s, at least), and it’s very encouraging to know that many many others will be able to learn it so much easier than we do when studying Theology! I’m really really excited and grateful for your life. God bless you and us, those who’re gonna learn from you!” ~ Jorge
“Thank you so much, Angela! I greatly appreciate your work, it’s very helpful. God bless you!” ~ Bee
“I LOVE both of your series. I studied both languages in seminary and Aleph with Beth saved my grade in Hebrew. I learned Greek easier than Hebrew and is pretty good, but this series is still a great way to practice and continue learning Greek. Keep up the great work and know you’re really helping us learn God’s word.” ~ The Melodist
“Thank you so much for serving the global church this way!” ~ Tiffany
“♥️👌👍👍❤️” ~ Concepts – مفاهيم
“Greetings from Shanghai, China. I’m learning this Biblical Greek and Hebrew with my three-year-old daughter. What a great program! Thankful!” ~ 张云轩
“We really believe in what you’re doing and are excited to see what the Lord does through your creative service and ministry to his people around the globe. ~ Forrest & Ria
“I think that your project regarding a biblical greek version of the Aleph with Beth series is a marvellous idea.” ~ Marko
“I was very excited when I saw the announcement on the Aleph with Beth youtube channel that a similar course for Greek would exist. I studied theology and learned Greek and Hebrew as well, but I started using Aleph with Beth to improve my Hebrew, because I didn’t really use it a lot and I never came to the point where I could simply pick up the Hebrew bible and read and enjoy. My Greek is a little more functional, but still I’m looking forward to your course and to learning by comprehensible input. It’s just amazing how much I grew in appreciation for the Hebrew language and the simple reading of the OT through this teaching method, and I’m looking forward to having this experience with Greek and the NT as well. ~ Simon
“I’ve studied Greek myself, and only last year, when I was given the Polis’ Greek textbook, did I really try to use it as a living language. Since I’ve read it aloud consistently for a long time, I could pick up several things fast, but the difference is big between learning it as a living language and merely reading and interpreting. I am praying that God provide the partners needed for the project to start, and that it be a blessing to the whole world, as more people can come to know and experience God’s love deeper.” ~ Filip
Fabulous web resource, Angela. Your first video is now the “Lesson 6” of my summer session in NT Greek I am teaching for a group of Christians from my church (with a scattering of their friends from across Canada). ~ Bob
“Very nice lessons, I always wanted to learn Greek , and u have made my dream count true. 😊, your way of teaching is so nice . And I can learn it whenever I want to learn. Coz of you now I can tell my name and greet my friends in Greek ( even though they don’t understand it ). But it’s fun 😉. Thank u.” ~ n d