Empowering the Global Church for Bible Translation and Beyond.

Free Greek. Forever.

Greek can be expensive, intimidating, and frustrating. We want to change that.

Join us in creating free biblical Greek training resources to help Bible translators around the world and build up the global Church, the majority of which has little or no access to the original languages.

Our method can help anyone, in any language.

students around the world
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Frequently Asked Questions

  • Why should I learn biblical Greek?
    • Because it will help you study the Bible in a deeper way, defend God’s Word, and not depend entirely on translations.
  • Will the videos assume I have some knowledge of Greek already?
    • Nope!
  • Why don’t you start by teaching the alphabet?
    • The alphabet will come later, after you’ve learned some basic vocabulary. When you were a child, your parents didn’t begin by teaching you the alphabet before they taught you words, so we try to mirror some of that natural progression. You can read more about our teaching methods here.
  • How many lessons will there be?
    • About 300.
  • Will the videos ever stop being free and move to a premium or subscription fee?
  • Will I need to buy a textbook?
    • Nope!
  • Will the videos be free to share and download?
  • How far in the knowledge of Greek will the videos take me?
    • Far enough to be able to read the New Testament with very little help from a dictionary.
  • What if I want to learn all the technical grammar details of Greek? 
    • We’ll be sharing free grammar materials.
  • Will I be able to use the videos for teaching my own students?
  • What pronunciation of Greek will be taught?
    • Erasmian, with a few differences. This is not because we believe it’s a historically accurate pronunciation, but rather because it’s useful for teaching new students, and harmonises with the vast majority of people who have already learned some Greek. For further information on the pronunciation used in these lessons, please visit our page dedicated to the topic.